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Monday, 19 March 2012


I saw somewhere that a black background on mini photographs would make them stand out more so decided to give this a shot. I'm still not 100% on the results but I think it's getting there, I can't quite capture how they look in reality (as always you can click on the image for a bigger view)
Unidentified fish guy, he's on a sold base and a little on the skinny side so I believe he might be Ral Partha, if anyone knows give me a shout. Tee base is just made up of DAS clay then highlighted up with various browns/yellows. I think he needs some drift wood or shells to make it a bit more exciting so I may have a shot with green-stuffing some sea-life
Not sure who put this out but again I think this might be a Ral Partha or Grenadier mini.
Old School Citadel Gnome from the time when Gnomes still existed in the Warhammer World, he's from the Adventurer Starter set according to the citadel collecting mini's site:
Again another old citadel mini, still needs his plastic shield adding but I'm holding off as I can't face doing free hand on the flat shields
 Early pre-slotta citadel Druid or Cleric (I think), my first attempt at painting none rotting human flesh, not 100% yet but I've got a ton of scantily clad barbarians to do so hopefully by the end I'll have learnt something.
 C-series citadel zombie really easy to paint as it's mostly just muscles but, I think he could do with some more variation in the reds but he'll do.

Lastly, here's some better shots of the Vilespawn that from Gribbly Miniatures (

I still haven't worked out how to get images to sit correctly on the page but hopefully all of the above is legible.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Some new painted Figures

Just finished off a few figures, a citadel gnome slotta fighter, a pre-slotta citadel gnome, a pre-slotta citadel Druid, and some kind of Early Goblin, I think possibly Marauder. I'm not too happy with the Druids flesh at the moment but I'm hoping that I'll get it on the next few humans that I do.

 I've also just received a few new Barbarians for my tribe along with some what I think are Foundry villagers and an old citadel begger


Saturday, 10 March 2012

One Completed House

Finally finished the House I built, let me now what you think

I can't seem to get full shots to focus so here's a few close ups

I think the garden out the back needs some extra detail but I'm not sure what to do so for now it'll remain empty until I can decide.

Monday, 5 March 2012


I've finally finished a few of my skeletons. I've also made it my mission to undercoat and base all of my figures that way I can just pick up and paint anything without having to worry about waiting for bases to dry etc. Pretty much for the last few weeks all I've done is undercoat and mix sand with PVA glue but now 90% is sorted I can dip in and start painting without the boring bit.

 I've still got a ton of Skellies to paint but thought I'd have a break from painting bones start on some gnomes.
I was going to post up pictures of everything I have yet to paint but the camera I'm using seem to think any batteries I put in it are dead even brand new ones so I could only snap the following:


 I'll try and get a full photo log of everything up at some point this week as I know everyone loves looking at pics of mini's