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Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Crazy idea / Modular sewers/dungeons test piece

In my never ending quest to never paint all my miniatures I had a crazy idea the other day for a modular dungeon system that is easy to store and should hopefully be easy and cheap to make. The crazy idea was to take a normal box file and create a small section of terrain that would hopefully sit next to other future sections and would be easy to rearrange.

Here's the box file as is at purchase:


I started by removing the paper holder at the bottom and sketched in roughly where I wanted the sewer channel to go and any doors to be and the rough layout of any walls.


This was supposed to be a step by step but I completely missed out most of the steps after this one. I'll try and explain the processes in any future updates and if anyone is not sure of anything just give me a shout.

Here's the box'o'dungeons as it stands at the moment:


The paving is hand drawn onto sections of polystyrene pizza base and then PVA glued over chunks of polystyrene to build up the height. 


It still needs a some work sorting out the gaps and joins between sections and I still have a little more cobbling to finish off.



Once I've finished all the stone work I'll have a look at creating some water effects for the sewer channels and some wooden plank walkways/bridges for access to the different levels. I'm still in two minds whether or not to cut holes in the ends of the box so that they match up with future boxes or to leave them as self contained boxes?
The end of each sewer channel could end in metal bars and each section could be accessed by doors to keep each box self contained that way I don't end up losing the structural integrity of the box? Let me know what you think in the comments.



  1. It looks good so far and I am looking forward to seeing more. I have seen box file terrain before (last one was a CSF Lair), yours looks as good as any I have seen at this stage so keep on it's looking FAB.

    1. Thanks very much, you don't happen to have any links to other peoples box file terrain do you?

  2. This is a really good idea! I got seriously inspired to do something similar myself. Looks good as well. Thx/Hans

    1. Thanks, I'm sure I stole the idea from somewhere on the net so I can't claim full credit. Give it a shot I'd love to see your take on the sewers :-)

  3. That's quite an interesting project you've got goinh there. I'll be interested to see how it all pans out, but it look really good so far.

    1. Thanks very much, knowing what I'm like it'll probably pan out for about 1.5 boxes maybe 2 before I something completely unrelated. I's love to crack on and create loads right across a multitude of different themes, castle dungeons, prison cells, giant rat warrens, lava pits etc, etc, etc

  4. That is a great idea! Even more so as it looks really awesome at this stage.

    1. Again thanks very much, hopefully it'll paint up well.

  5. how clever is that I am really surprised I haven't seen that before

    1. Cheers thanks very much, I'm sure I've stolen the idea from somewhere, I'm sure I saw someone building a modular space port on a forum at some point although it may have been a dream. I've just realized also how awesome these boxes would be for a modular sky scraper, you could paint the outside with windows and stack them up so players can't see what's on the floors below and their lidded nature means that unvisited boxes/rooms can remain hidden... I think I've just accidentally started another project

  6. I've seen a lot of brilliant and inspired scenery before - but hands down, this is the single smartest idea I have seen in wargaming. Sheer brilliance!

    She doesn't know it yet, but you may as well accept that my wife officially hates you now, now that I will yet again consume vast tracts of space in the house...

    1. Thanks very much, Apologies in advance to your wife :-)

  7. Genius! Can't wait to see the finished article.

  8. Great idea. It looks fantastic.

    The skyscraper idea is good too. I look forward to seeing how these projects develop.

    I am now wondering how I could make this work with my tunnel terrain set.

  9. This has gained my interest a lot a villainous lair for 7TV hmmmmm. Look forward to more its looks like it will be a corker of a project.

  10. That's a really neat idea. I'd probably keep the intersections solid, otherwise, as you said, you'll lose rigidity.

    How are you going to deal with the open flaps when you have more than a couple lined up? They will obscure boxes next to them, surely? Having said that, I've seen photos of a Resident Evil game being played at a con where all of the rooms, except the ones were both players have models in the same space, in order to provide an air of mystery. I presume each side has to turn their backs when the other one moves...

  11. What a great idea, I may have to create some sewer dwellings for my verminous hordes...........................
